The Lyons Fire Department maintains a secure database of contact personnel for local businesses, manufacturing facilities, and public buildings. This information is used in emergencies or other situations where access to an unoccupied building is required, or a representative is needed on scene to assist the fire department.
In order to keep our records up to date, we request that you notify the department with any changes to your emergency contacts, fire alarm systems, or any hazards in which firefighters may come into contact with for the safety of all involved.
For your convenience, the Business Information Form is available for download. Please print the form, complete the applicable fields and either mail or fax it to the station (946-4852).
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the department using the methods listed on the contact page. The on-duty driver will be more than happy to assist you.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Knox Box Information
Why use a Knox-Box?

Time is of the essence when responding to emergencies. During a fire alarm, firefighters need to gain access into a structure as quickly as possible to determine if a problem exists. When no one is on site to let the firefighters in, entry is delayed and precious time is lost. In the past, fire departments would typically wait for a subscriber to respond after conducting an external scan of the building. If a subscriber was not available or delayed, crews would forcibly enter the building at the cost of the building owner.
This secure box is fastened to the exterior of the structure and contains keys to enter the building. The fire department carries one master key that fits all of the lock boxes in the district. This makes entry into the buildings much quicker to determine if a problem does in fact exist.
The Lyons Fire Department has been using a lock-box system within our district for decades. The vendor of choice is the Knox Company, makers of the Knox-Box.
For a short video containing information about the Knox-Box system, please click here.
The department has established a set of guidelines to assist contractors within our district in the procurement and installation of the Knox-Box. The guidelines have been compiled into a PDF file, available here.